Incest-The Conspiracy of the Silence
Few days back I saw my mother cleaning the feet of many girls and worshipping them, on further investigation I came to know that it was Kanya Pujan and on the same day I heard news which flashed that a girl committed suicide as she had fallen prey to Incest. Incest seems to be a very small word but has transformed and changed many people's life especially girls. Now let us see what Incest actually means.
Incest is a sexual a activity or harassment made by a family member mostly in blood relationships. It is basically done by parents, cousins, sibling, aunts/uncles etc. In most cases incest is done by biological fathers. Incest is often referred or said to be as a "Silent Crime". The word alone causes many to squirm. It is that deepest, darkest secret in any family that is now being nudged into light. Incest-Rape-raped by a family member is widely acknowledged as one of the most under reported crime. Incest by a known figure is like sexual molestation by a trusted figure equivalent to the thought of being raped by one's own flesh and blood. It is basically between the age of 14-18.The information may shock you but the facts are the most shocking. Incest in India is increasing at a very fast pace.
Until the late 1970's and early1980's incest was believed to be exceedingly rare. Various studies place the percentage of incest victims in the general population of America at about 10 to 20 million. Among the reported victims of incest, girls out number boys by approximately 10 to 1; however the number of boys abused may be under reported. It mostly begins at the age of 12.The estimates say that 95% of the teen prostitutes and at least 1/3 of type female prisoners were abused as kids. A report produced by the BBC, a decade ago has opined citing research sources that close-knit family life in India makes an alarming amount of sexual abuse of children and teenage girls by family members. As per woman's organisation and activist 95% of he abused are girls and more than 95% abusers are male. Surveys carried out in Schools and informal chats reveal that around 40%girls experience incest abuse or sexual abuse in more or the other form in India.
According to the crime report released by the national crime record bureau states that incest case from 2008-2009 have increased from 309 cases in 2008 to 404 case in 2009.From 2011-2012 it states that they have increased from 46.8%from 269 cases in 2011 to 392 cases in 2012.And 536 fresh new cases in 2013.It also states that in 98.2% cases the offenders are known to the victims. Parents/cousins accounts to 1.6% of the cases. Statics say that Chattisgarh is the state with the highest percentage of incest cases recording 107 such cases and Maharashtra acquiring the second position by recording 77 such cases It is clear from research and findings that rape and incest share many similarities but also have some difference as well. The difference are found in three areas; one, The duration and progression of sexual activity over time. Second is Coercion and the third one is Consent.
Most incest involves multiple acts of sexual violence over time, ranging from several months to many years. Incest between an adult and a person under the age of consent is considered a form of child sexual abuse. It often results in serious and long term psychological trauma, especially in case of parental incest.
Laws regarding sexual activity between close relative vary considerably between jurisdictions and depend upon the type of sexual activity and the nature of the family relationships of the parties involved. In other countries incestuous relationships between consenting adults (with the age varying by location) are permitted, including in the Netherlands, France and Spain. In Sweden the only type of incestuous relationship allowed by law is that between half siblings and they must seek government counselling before marriage. In India incest laws involves an adult and a child, it is usually considered to be form of USA. With several exceptions age of consent law do not have bearing on incestuous sex which is unlawful irrespective of age. Another fact holds true that in a democratic country like India there is no law made against Incest; that is no legal action taken against any offender. In America it is punishable up to 14 years of imprisonment. A person who commits incest with someone under the age of 16 is liable to minimum imprisonment of 5 years.
American psychologists say that “The easy availability of sexual explicit literature and audio-video, especially through the Internet and Social Media is fanning the suppressed sexual urge of men in society. This urge of immediate gratification of sex continuously sends signals to one's mind as a result that person does not hesitate in breaching the trust of the woman concerned".
The most important and basic solution is Family Education. The family itself needs to be educated enough to understand and take actions against it. There really needs to be a Legislative Augmentation in laws relating to rape and incest in India or else the victim will just sit back and holding themselves accursed. The victims should share their stories in a safe environment. The group process is a powerful course of action offering safety and protection. The victims should share their stories as this is an important step in attaining self confidence .It will also help others by letting them know that they are not alone, empowering all involved. Another important solution to overcome this problem is by trusting people again which will help in eliminating your isolation and despair.
This problem has no end unless and until responsible adults work up to the reality of incest in India, our daughters will continue to believe that they are destined to suffer the ignoring of sexual abuse in silence. With such infallible signs by the judiciary, we await legislation whereby the victim is in no more a victim but a survivor........Think upon it.

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